As a full service provider, we are there for you. We provide a full gambit of weatherization services including insulating attics and walls, tightening the envelope, patching leaky ductwork, weather stripping, sealing leaks, replacing dryer vents and other sources of energy loss.
Your home should be viewed as a complete system and we are there to help you understand how the various parts of the home interrelate to each other and can be corrected when needed.
We do a lot of work with cellulose insulation. We also do closed cell spray foam and can apply closed cell foam in your attic, rim joists or walls. We also work with fiberglass batts on side attic kneewalls. We prefer cellulose but can use fiberglass in an attic, in special circumstances. (When we audit properties we have seen numerous situations with the thermal camera where the fiberglass insulation did not adequately seal the attic. Cellulose is a much better material for this.)
We provide free energy assessments. As State of Minnesota certified energy auditors we have the tools and resources to provide valued insight and perspectives.
Considerable detail goes into sealing the building envelope. We adhere to 'best practices' and this work is done prior to insulating.
We specialize in cellulose and closed cell foam as we have found these to be superior insulation materials. We often avoid fiberglass . Ask us why.
We provide a way to greatly improve the efficiency of your existing windows, but at a fraction of the cost of replacements.