We are one of a few companies who are able to offer energy company rebates.  These rebates are available from CenterPoint Energy, Xcel Energy and Minnesota Power.

To be on the energy companies list of approved contractors that can offer rebates, contractors must show that they have Building Performance Institute (BPI) certified project managers guiding the projects.  They must also adhere to building science best practices and guarantee their work.

We value education and from the start  we have adhered to industry best practices, provided BPI certifications and advanced training to our team.  In addition we are certified energy auditors and have invested heavily in sophisticated diagnostic equipement to help us identify and better understand the nature of problems in the home.

Investing in air sealing and insulation does not have to break your bank. We typically see performace improvements in the home of 20% or better. This means that you will save over 20% on your energy consumption. Let's suppose you spend $250/month for gas and electric (heating and AC). Over the course of each year you would be saving $600 each years (with post tax dollars). Let's also suppose that the energy remediation work costs $3000. You would be seeing a 20% return each year on your initial investment a savings you can bank on.

Energy improvements will also mean less wear and tear depreciation on your HVAC equipment.

The improvements can also be financed and we have relationships with non-profits and financial organization that can help you realize your home energy improvements.

Our Services


We provide free energy assessments.  As State of Minnesota certified energy auditors we have the tools and resources  to provide valued insight and perspectives.


Considerable detail goes into sealing the building envelope. We adhere to 'best practices' and this work is done prior to insulating.


We specialize in cellulose and closed cell foam as we have found these to be superior insulation materials. We often avoid fiberglass . Ask us why.


We provide a way to greatly improve the efficiency of your existing windows, but at a fraction of the cost of replacements.


Get in touch

Green Home Doctors
(715) 302-5739‬

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